Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nick and Nora's Holly Jolly Holiday Roast Coffee

Nick and Nora's Holly Jolly Holiday Roast Coffee
(Nora came up with the title).

Take your favorite whole bean coffee (We've been using different types from Trader Joe's... Dark Sumatra, French Roast, and some Bolivian blend, but any type will work.  Choose a coffee you like).

Then add the following:
Whole Cloves
We use about 3 cloves and 3 or 4 peppercorns per 7-8 6oz. cups of coffee.

Put them in whole with the whole beans, and grind the lot.
After pouring the ground beans, cloves and peppercorns into the filter, add a dash of cinnamon.  As much or as little as you like.


Enjoy a slightly spicy, very winter/Christmas coffee taste! We add a bit of milk and sugar:)

(In the interest of full disclosure, this is basically the same thing as Trader Joe's Winter Blend... but who wants to spend extra money?)

1 comment:

Nomad said...

Very interesting. Almost makes me want to try coffee. Almost. I'll stick with water for now. :-)