Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Golden Globes Cancelled...

Yawn... does anyone actually care?


Anonymous said...

Maybe you can enlighten me a little on something of a tangential question:

Why are ACTORS bowing out of events and appearances, since it is the WRITERS who are on strike? Is it just kind of a "hey, we're on your side, bro!" kind of thing?

Anonymous said...

Someone has to write all those banal interludes between awards.

"Nick" said...

Well, actors are notoriously bad at "ad-libbing" or anything, so they often rely on writers for that.

Other than that, it is something of a solidarity thing. There are plenty of non-union writers around, but if the actors won't act, the studios will have more pressure to give in.

Plus the actors are due to renegotiate their contract soon, and probably want similar things as the writers, but would rather not strike:)